Leonardo da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti Called Sala: The Enigma of a Painting
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists
Leonardo da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti Called Sala: The Enigma of a Painting Details
About the Author Maurizio Zecchini was born in Milan, to a family of three generations of antiquarians. He started to accompany his father on his journeys in search of works of art in his high-school days. Working with a group of experts, he has brought out two publications: Tiziano nelle Gallerie Fiorentine, catalogue of the exhibition at Palazzo Pitti, Florence, 1978, and Raffaello a Firenze, catalogue of the exhibition at Palazzo Pitti, Florence, 1984. Currently he works freelance and devotes himself to research in the archives. Read more
Very interesting analysis. Rich in scientific data. Lacking some conclusions about the authorship though.